Do you find famous actor Allu Arjun contact details such as Allu Arjun phone number, contact number, real WhatsApp number, real Allu Arjun manager mobile number, personal number, contact address of Allu Arjun etc.
If you are also a big fan of Allu Arjun and are looking for contact details of Allu Arjun or want to get it, then I will tell you all his details through this guide, what is the phone number of Allu Arjun, Is the phone number wrong or right, Whether Allu Arjun picks up the phone or not, I am reaching all this information so that your work can be made easier.
Moreover, also I will also share personal details like bio data and family background of Allu Arjun in this guide.
Celebrity - Allu Arjun Bio (2021)
Contact details - Allu Arjun Phone Number
WhatsApp Number - 7599854494 (Not confirm)
Email Id - Null
Contact Address - Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Current Office Location - Geetha Arts office 1067, Road No.45, Jubilee Hills, Masthan Nagar, Nandagiri Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034Actor Allu Arjun Personal & Family Details
Here I describe Allu Arjun personal details like Nick name, Height, weight, Education, wife name, age, father, Nationality, brother, children, religion, zodiac sign and Profession.Full Name | Allu Arjun |
Nick Name | Bunny |
Education | BBA |
Height | 5 feet 2 in |
Religion | Hinduism |
D.O.B | 8 April 1983 |
Zodiac sign | Aries |
Profession | Actor |
Wife Name | Sneha Reddy |
Sister | Null |
Father | Allu Aravind |
Mother | Nirmala |
Children | Allu Arha, Allu Ayaan |
Brother | Allu Venkatesh & Allu Sirish (Actor) |
Allu Arjun Social Media Accounts
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